We have recently been in the World Plastic Surgery & Antiaging Confrence in Paris where we witnessed a brand new technology in the field of non surgical (non invasive?) fat reduction. This is the so-called Cryolipolysis.
What is Cryolipolysis?
It is the non-invasive treatment for localized excess fat reduction from certain body parts. It uses a technology that has already been developed since the last decade and is based on the adipocytes destruction by applying controlled cooling on them.
Where is Cryolipolysis based on?
The localized fat reduction technique by the use of Cryolipolysis is based on the scientific observation that adipocytes have different tolerance to cold, in contrast to superficial skin cells and in general, to other tissue cells.
More precisely, we now know that adipose tissue cells when exposed to temperature near -9OC, are killed and fall off. Contrary to adipocytes, the rest of body cells (such as skin cells), require even lower temperatures to be killed.
Therefore, if we succeed in cooling skin to -9oC, then we provoke apoptosis of the adipocytes without severely damaging skin cells.
How is the Cryolipolysis machine like?
The Cryolipolysis machine has 5 different heads which are applied depending on the localized fat area that we want to operate in.
Those heads look like vacuum suction pads which suck the part of localized fat and lower its temperature near -9oC.

Who is the ideal candidate for Cryolipolysis?
The ideal candidates for Cryolipolysis are men and women with severely localized lipodystrophy in particular body parts.
This means that if someone has small quantities of localized body fat, observed on the laterals of the belly, in the hypogastrium, in the “saddlebags” or knees, then by applying Cryoplipolysis, they can improve the situation of those areas.
In case of several areas of localized fat, such as in:
- The hips,
- The belly area,
- The inner tight surface, lateral tight surface, knees or in case of gynaecomastia, we highly recommend they don’t be treated with Cryolipolysis, but using 3D SAFE Liposuction.
- Cases that suffer from a more generalized fat accumulation in several areas, usually have mediocre to poor results after Cryolipolysis, given the great extent of lipodystrophy.
- In particular localized fat areas, Cryolipolysis could result in an adipose tissue reduction.
In which body parts could Cryolipolysis be applied?
Cryolipolysis is only about local lipodystrophy areas and has nothing to do with generally accumulated fat.
We should bear in mind that the area we are about to operate in, should have localized fat to a small extent so as to fit in the “suction pad” of the head, which will cool the area.
Such areas usually are of relatively small extent localized lipodystrophies in:- The belly laterals,
- The hypogastrium,
- The outer tights surface,
- The knees.
Is Cryolipolysis painfull?
In general, Cryolipolysis is a bearable treatment. The larger the area to be cooled, the more annoying or – rather slightly painful the treatment gets.
What somebody feels is an icy and stretch feeling in the area that the machine’s head is being applied.
Quite often, one can express a complaint about numbness or dysaesthesia, which is fully bearable though. It is relatively rare that someone quit the treatment due to the pain caused.What should I do after the Cryolipolysis treatment?
Right after the treatment you will need some massaging in the area, so as to facilitate the numbness caused by low temperature disappear.
Depending on the extent of the area that has been treated with Cryolipolysis, the patient may feel nausea for some minutes or hours, which completely draws away
In general, the patient can go back to his or her usual activities after the treatment.How long does the Cryolipolysis treatment take?
Each session lasts for about an hour. Usually, two heads are used simultaneously, in order to treat two body areas at a time and achieve a symmetry on the body.
- The treatment is applied on one or two lipodystrophy areas each time.
What is the result I can achieve after Cryolipolysis and when am I going to see results in the treated area?
By Cryolipolysis, we succeed in reducing the area’s fat by 20 to 40%. The kill and fall process of adipocytes begins with the cooling of the area to -9oC and goes on for 3 to 4 months.
- This means that the result starts becoming obvious after the first 2 months.
How many times do I have to repeat Cryolipolysis?
Given that each time we undergo Cryolipolysis the lipodystrophy area is improved by 20 to 40%, 1 to 3 sessions are required for a satisfying result.
Are there any side effects after Cryolipolysis?
After Cryolipolysis, as we already mentioned, depending on the extent of the area under treatment, the patient might feel nausea or tendency to vomit, that quickly disappears.
- Also, one might feel annoyance or mild pain for the next few days which draw away or can be soothed by simple painkillers.
- The most common occurrence is the feeling of numbness or dysesthesia in the areas of application of the heads, which might persist for a few days until finally drawing away.
- Some bruises might also be formed, which draw back after some days.