Rhinoplasty without surgery
Today we have the chance to solve the problem of a misshapen nose, which is an unpleasant characteristic for many people, without having surgery.
It is considered to be an innovative method, able to correct or completely solve the problem of a crooked, short or a generally misshapen nose:
- Immediately
- Painlessly
- Bloodlessly
- With low cost and
- highly safe application.

What is the rhinoplasty without surgery?
The technique of a Rhinoplasty without surgery is primarily based on the fact that we have a thorough knowledge of the nose frame parts, which appear some tissue deficits or hollows. With the aid of technology we then fill them using injectable Hyaluronic Acid.
This non-surgical nasal reconstruction is suitable for people with a normal respiratory function or medium level deformities of the nose frame as well as for people with small or medium sized bridge of nose and medium level deformities on the apex nasi and the nasion.
What is the aim and objective of the rhinoplasty without surgery?
It is very important to take under consideration the aspects of each surgery, a fact that is very crucial for the Plastic Surgery.
First we need to recognize the real problem that we have to deal with, and then find possible ways of solving it.
There is usually more than one solution.
For example, in the case of a crooked nose, everybody sees the nasal bridge, which is usually in the middle of the back of the nose (red arrow in the picture) and is the cause of the deformity. The nasal bridge is due to an abnormality in the osteochondral bridge of nasal pyramid.

The classic version of this treatment is the surgical rhinoplasty in order to correct the deformity of nose removing the osteochondral part of the nose brigde. This has as a result to smooth the nose down.
If we put the picture upside down, we will recognize that the crooked nose is not due to the protruding nose bridge, but due to the fact that there is a tissue deficit (purple arrows) in the apex nasi (close to glabella), nasion (top of nose) and above the lips.
If we fill the hollow with an injectable material in this part of the nose, then we smooth the nose down solving the problem.

Today this solution can be possible thanks to the invention of contemporary injectable implants, with the Hyaluronic Acid being the most prevalent among them.
Consequently the concept of the rhinoplasty without surgery technique is based on identifying the tissue deficits or hollows in the spots of the nasal bridge. Then we inject into them, using technology, the Hyaluronic Acid implant.

One can realize therefore that it has to do with one’s perception on the rhinoplasty without surgery as a whole. Our opinion is that we have to fill in the atrophic spots.
Are there any limitations about the application of rhinoplasty without surgery techniques to every misshapen nose?
It is known that the rhinoplasty without surgery is very special – like most of the techniques in plastic surgery – and there are some limitations for its application.
This non-surgical nasal reconstruction is suitable for people with a normal respiratory function or medium level deformities of the nose frame as well as for people with small or medium sized bridge of nose and medium level deformities on the apex nasi and the nasion.
People with nasal septum scoliosis, turbinate hypertrophy or other anatomic issues should be treated with the classic method of Rhinoplasty in order to surgically correct this kind of problems.
Also people with big nose, long nose frame, big nasal bridge, wide apex nasi as well as with big side cartillages can easily correct their nose image with the rhinoplasty without surgery. However, the most suitable treatment for such problems is the classic surgical Rhinoplasty.

What is the application procedure of the Hyaluronic Acid according to the technique of the Rhinoplasty without surgery? Does the application of the injectable Hyaluronic acid hurt?
The Rhinoplasty without surgery is a normal treatment, which takes place at the clinic.
It is a painless procedure, since local anesthetic cream or local anesthesia is always used. After the examination of the dysmorphic points that we have to reconstruct, we proceed with the local anesthesia and the injection of Hyaluronic Acid with the help of a super-fine needle.
How long does this procedure take and what should we do afterwards?
The whole procedure takes 10-15 minutes and the results are immediately visible.
After the treatment it is required to apply ice at the injection sites for 2 hours approximately.
Afterwards there may appear a slight skin irritation and swelling at the injection sites, which usually disappears within 24-48 hours and can be easily covered with the use of make-up.

Is the rhinoplasty without surgery using Hyaluronic Acid safe?
In general terms the Rhinoplasty without surgery is considered to be a highly safe treatment with predictable results, since the correction of the deformity is promptly visible and totally controlled.
The use of the Hyaluronic Acid as an implant is very advantageous since we do not need to overcorrect or undercorrect the tissue deficit but restore the deformity in a more realistic way.
The Hyaluronic Acid is a completely inactive substance, which means that it does not cause any allergies, side reactions, or inflammations. Also the Hyaluronic Acid is not displaceable, thus it remains where it has been implanted, maintaining its desirable result for a long period of time.
The injectable hyaluronic acid is absorbed at a very slow rate by the human organism and it is considered to be irreplaceable thanks to its synthesis
Considering that the Hyaluronic Acid is a glycosaminoglycan, i.e a glycoprotein, there is an enzyme, which can break the Hyaluronic Acid down.

Simply put, the application of the injectable hyaluronic acid is very safe. On the one side, the image is restored at real-time and on the other side, the Hyaluronic Acid is the only implant that has an antidote. This means that if the result is not satisfactory, then we can simply dissolve and remove the quantity that we have injected in the nose tissues during the non-surgical Rihinoplasty.

It is also worth mentioning that the main prerequisite in order to ensure safety in such a treatment is the in-depth knowledge of the nose anatomy, the high understanding of the aesthetics, as well as the high level of experience of the doctor, who is responsible for the restoration of the nose.
How long will last the results of the Rhinoplasty without surgery?
The Hyaluronic Acid is not a permanent material but can be gradually absorbed by the tissues.
Specifically the Hyaluronic Acid in the nose area is absorbed at about 5 % to 15 % within the first year. Simply said, this means that the Hyaluronic Acid does not disappear after one year, but it remains at a rate equal to 85%-90%. In order to maintain a successful result, it is necessary to refill the amount of the absorbed Hyaluronic Acid.
In general terms the absorption rate of the Hyaluronic Acid, as well as the duration of the results, depends on many factors such as:
- Age
- Skin type
- Muscular activity of the underlying muscles
- Depth and injection area
- Density of the injection material
The more viscous the material and the deeper it is injected into the tissues, the lower its absorption by the human body’s defense mechanisms are. Also when the mobility of the Hyaluronic Acid is lower, the life expectancy of the implant at the injection site is prolonged.
One of the reasons that the absorption rate of the Hyaluronic Acid is very low is the low mobility of the nose tissues.
In most cases, the treatment should be repeated after 18-24 months in order to maintain a very good result.
Is it possible to correct any nasal imperfections or disfigurements, which have been caused after a car accident, oncologic surgery or a failed Rhinoplasty surgery by using Hyaluronic Acid?
When a nose has been damaged by an accident or a surgery, then it may appear a tissue deficit or disfiguring of morphology. In order to correct or reconstruct the nose disfigurement we can apply Hyaluronic Acid in certain areas of the nose.

It is very common that a surgery or an injury may change the nose anatomy and modify the blood supply of the tissues, a fact that makes dangerous any additional surgery for the functional or aesthetic rehabilitation of the area.
In order to reconstruct any tissue deficits or other disfigurements using injectable Hyaluronic Acid without undertaking an (additional) surgery, we should always respect the anatomy of the injured nose. Having these rules we can reconstruct most of bad operated noses with big safety and great predictability.